The mother’s day

During the month of May, in many countries of the world, the feast of the mother is celebrated. The origin of this feast day dates back to the distant past, since in the history of ancient pagan and monotheistic civilizations, there are signs of a feast in honor of the mother. It is meaningful that, in most of places, this fest day is celebrated in this month that, in the northern hemisphere of the planet, coincides with the peak of spring and, after a long and cold winter, a new life springs up from the earth adorning trees and gardens with beauty and a colorful variety of flowers and early fruits.

The feast of the mother, which in the Catholic tradition is also associated with the month of Mary, the Mother for excellence, rekindles in each one of us feelings of affection and gratitude for the woman who gave birth to us and cared for us with love and an undoubted sacrifice. Mother plays an important role in the child’s growth process and even when the child has achieved a full personal autonomy, she continues to be an important reference point for him.

Each culture instills in people love and great respect towards the mother and the Word of God itself is rich in texts inviting to cultivate these values towards her. “Honour your father and your mother so that you may live long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you” (Ex 20,12), is one of the Decalogue commandments and as such, it guides the social and religious life of the people of Israel and, furthermore  it is the only one promising a reward. Other texts also exhort us to observe the parents’ teaching (cf. Prov. 6,20), to obey them (cf. Eph 6,1-2) and to be sure that they will never lack the care they deserve (cf. 1Tim 5,4.8).

But the most endearing biblical texts speaking about the mother are surely those presenting her as an  image of God himself: “Could a mother forget a child .. Could she fail to love him? Even if a mother could forget, I will never forget you” (Is 49,15).

The Mother day always rekindles thousands of memories full of affection, gratitude and may be nostalgia for those whose mummy is already in heaven. May this day in honor of mothers confirm the certainty of the love of God that we always call “father”, but whose tenderness and deep love is like that of a “mother”.

The Mother’s Day is the proper time to thank your mummy for all the efforts she has made throughout her life, only for you and for your dear ones. What a nice! Here we offer you a beautiful poem that can help us to celebrate this day but the best one is the one that springs from the heart of each son and daughter. Happy feast day to all the mothers!



Guiding Light Mom

Mom, from the time I was really young,

I realized I had someone…you,

who always cared,

who always protected me,

who was always there for me no matter what.

You taught me right from wrong,

and pushed me to do the right thing,

even when it was hard to do.

You took care of me when I was sick,

and your love helped make me well.

You had rules,

and I learned that when I obeyed them,

my life was simpler, better, richer.

You were and are

the guiding light of my life.

My heart is filled with love for you,

my teacher, my friend, my mother.    

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs


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