The martyrs, the greatest testimony of faith …

Rocio Romero, writes that the testimonies of the martyrs of the 30’s do not speak of fear or hatred but of forgiveness; this high school teacher has just promoted «Heaven was their answer», a digital space where she recovers the memory of the martyrs of the civil war, a website where Rocio Romero Aguilera, a high school teacher in the community of Madrid, recovers the testimonies of many martyrs of the civil war who were killed and died forgiving; a tribute from the heart and in which a grateful soul emerges.

In her personal testimony she writes on her website: «Since I started writing about the Spanish martyrs of the thirties, many ask me why I do it …. It is very simple: for Love. There is nothing more beautiful than to find a love story and I, every time I walk along the paths that the martyrs traced with their blood, find it.

… And Heaven was their answer.

The martyrs of the thirties in Spain died for the hatred of religion of those who condemned them; there were no other reasons. That is to say, they died for Love; for the salvation of all. If Christ gave his life to save all humanity, the martyrs, firm in their faith, renew that sacrifice with their blood, strengthened by the presence of Mary, Our Mother.

It is difficult to find something valuable and not share it. Those of us who are Catholics have true treasures of faith and sometimes we do not know it; history and events go against us and what is considered «dangerous» is silenced? In this sense, those who say this are not wrong, because Love (the one with a capital letter) taken to its ultimate consequences, it can do all things; in God, all things are possible.

May not a single life be lost….


SOURCE: Blogger: el

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