«The Death of Jesus in the Gospel of John». Sister Estela Aldave presents her new book.

«A few days ago, PPC Editorial published the latest book by Sister Estela Aldave tc, entitled «The Death of Jesus in the Gospel of John». This work offers a historical and theological perspective on the passion and death of Jesus, as presented in the Gospel of John. It highlights the originality of the Gospel in interpreting these events as an act of divine glorification and exaltation.

We, the Tertiary Capuchin Sisters of the Holy Family, express our heartfelt thanks to our Sister Estela Aldave for sharing her work on the passion and death of Jesus from the perspective of the Gospel of John. Her exegetical approach and her ability to interweave history with theology have provided an invaluable source of knowledge and reflection. The depth of his analysis and the clarity with which he presents the hermeneutics of the early Christian community will continue to enrich our understanding of these momentous events. This book not only forms, but also inspires, allowing us to contemplate the death of Jesus from the Joanic perspective.

In the April issue of Vida Nueva magazine, columnist Jaime Vázquez Allegue, has presented his literary and theological work as the recommended book of the month.


According to Sister Estela Aldave, the Gospel of John does not seek to narrate the life of Jesus chronologically, but focuses on the memory and interpretations of the early Christian community. Despite this, historical elements can be identified in the narrative, such as the concern of the Jerusalem priestly aristocracy for the popularity of Jesus and his potential conflict with Roman power.

The book analyzes key moments such as the meeting of the Sanhedrin, the prayer in Gethsemane, and the trial and crucifixion of Jesus, highlighting Jesus’ peaceful and authoritative stance in the face of the violence of the authorities. Death on the cross, far from being a defeat, is presented as the hour of glory of the Son of God, a concept that is reinforced by the Resurrection.

The work concludes with a reflection on the relationship between the death of Jesus and the central message of the Gospel: the revelation of divine love and the promise of salvation. This analysis offers a new understanding of Jesus’ passion and death, inviting readers to see these events not as a tragic ending, but as the fulfillment of his redemptive mission.

The work is now on sale and can be purchased online or in bookstores in Spain.





Biography Sr. Estela Aldave Medrano

She was born in Logroño in 1974.

She holds a doctorate in Biblical Theology from the University of Deusto (2017). She took several courses in Jerusalem during the time of her degree in Biblical Theology, which she completed in 2008. His doctoral thesis was entitled «Death, Mourning and New Life in the Fourth Gospel. An exegetical study of Jn 11:1-12:11 in the light of ritual». She also holds a diploma in Social Work from the University of the Basque Country (1996).

She is currently a professor of different biblical subjects at the Regional Center of Theological Studies of Aragon (CRETA), in Zaragoza, and at the Faculty of Theology of Northern Spain, Vitoria-Gasteiz. She has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Spanish Theologians (2013-2016). She is also a member of the Editorial Board of Reseña Bíblica and the Revista Aragonesa de Teología.

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