Nicaragua: A persecuted church

In this nation, the ongoing campaign has specifically targeted the Catholic Church to silence dissenting views. Recently, in less than four years, 190 attacks and desecrations, including a fire in the Managua Cathedral, have been committed against the Nicaraguan Catholic Church.

The Missionaries of Charity were driven from the nation in last July. The regime claimed that the Missionaries lacked «an operating permit from the Ministry of Education to provide remedial education for students» as well as «the accreditation of the Ministry for the Family to function as a nursery-center for childhood development, home for girls, and home for the elderly».

Ortega’s government has charged the Bishop Rolando Álvarez to use social media and the other media to «incite acts of violence and to destabilize the Country». Nicaragua’s government has also announced that it is investigating a Catholic bishop for “crimes against spirituality”.

But, who is he Bishop Álvarez? Álvarez has consistently voiced his open criticism of Ortega’s government. He was a member of the Episcopal Conference Committee that attempted to mediate between Ortega and the opposition in May 2018 but the dialogue rapidly broke down, sparking ferocious protests that were violently put down. Since then, tensions have risen. In May 2022 , he declared an ongoing fast in response to the government’s persecution of the Church. After voicing his opposition to Ortega’s decision to shut down several Catholic radio stations, he was finally placed under  an irregular and harsh house arrest.

“Even in this situation we keep our joy, strength, and our inner peace. We continue to show to the world that, thanks to the Holy Spirit, we are men and women able to dialogue,” said Bishop Álvarez.


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