Lights of Love and Compassion: Celebrating 75 Years of service and religious surrender in Argentina

What are we celebrating ?

«Here we are Lord… bringing to your presence 75 years of life, history and mission of the Congregation of the Capuchin Tertiary Sisters of the Holy Family, in our land Argentina.

It was in June 1949 when Sisters Concepción de Linares, María Jesús de Elzaburu, Juliana Azcárate, Catalina Lizoain, Julia Fernández and María Luisa Antón… flooded the landscape of Santa María de los Buenos Aires with Amigonian light and assumed the first mission in our country.  So much courage, so much bravery, so much ardor could only come from the strength of your Spirit, from the maternal impulse of the Mother, Our Lady of Luján and from the missionary dynamism that they had imbibed from Father Luis Amigó» (Br. Dora Arboleda TC).


As we commemorate 75 years of religious presence in Argentina, we celebrate the legacy of the first sisters who impregnated every corner of this land with their Franciscan Amigonian charism. Throughout these seven and a half decades, the apostolic works carried out have been truly historic, marking the lives of countless people and leaving an indelible mark on society.

Every page of this history has been written with the unwavering love of those sisters who have given their lives in service to the proclamation of God’s love. Every work, every gesture of kindness, every word of comfort has been like ink imprinted in the hearts of those who have been touched by their tireless work and unwavering devotion.

The places that have been blessed with the presence of different Sisters and those that continue today are full of living testimonies, people whose lives have been transformed by the love and dedication of those who have been instruments of divine grace. Every smile, every hug, every act of compassion has been a seed of hope sown in fertile ground, bearing fruits of love and solidarity.

On this anniversary, we raise our voices in gratitude for the sacrifice and dedication of each sister who has been light in the midst of darkness, hope in the midst of despair and love in the midst of pain. May their legacy live on for generations to come, inspiring others to follow their example of selfless service and unconditional love.

May the flame of faith and charity lit by our Congregation continue to burn brightly, illuminating the path of those who seek comfort, hope and redemption. May the history of these 75 years of religious presence in Argentina be an eternal reminder of the transforming power of God’s love manifested through his son Jesus.

May the legacy of the Capuchin Tertiary Sisters of the Holy Family, whose love and dedication have deeply marked the history and soul of this country, live forever! May their example guide and inspire us to continue building a better world, full of compassion and fraternal love!

S. Cristher Arianny Mosquera M.

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