Lectio Divina Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord

Rediscover the virtuous BEING that you have received through the Holy Spirit.

«He on whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining on him, that is the one who baptizes in the Holy Spirit» (John 1:33).

First reading: A reading from the book of Isaiah 42, 1-4. 6-7

 Second reading: From the Acts of the Apostles 10:34-38.

Gospel According to Mark 1:7-11

Like an echo of the Epiphany, today we celebrate the Lord’s baptism, his public manifestation, «Behold my servant, whom I uphold; my chosen one, whom I prefer. On him I have put my spirit.

Prophethood is an authentic way of living, based on the choice made by the Lord from the womb, as Isaiah expresses it in his call. Identifying the actions of the Spirit requires discernment and prayer, as does understanding the works of the Kingdom. It is essential to recognize the extent to which we assume the choice of being chosen by God and, from this mission, to embrace our being Christian. If the Spirit of the Lord is upon you, your decisions, actions and thoughts will be directed toward proclaiming the truth of the One who gives you wisdom.

In the second reading… «It is clear that God does not make distinctions; he accepts those who fear him and practice justice, no matter what nation they are from».

One of the most beautiful characteristics of our God is the greatness of his mercy and the heart that allows him to love all his children without reserve. Our goal on earth is to achieve a heart like the Father’s, a challenging task but one that traces a path of configuration with the Lord. If you reflect on your heart, how much have you grown in loving without distinction, prejudice or criticism?

We will hear in the Gospel the Voice of the Father: «You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased».

The baptism of Jesus reveals the full and divine identity given to him as the Son of God, authentically manifesting the gifts of the Spirit in human life. As St. Cyril affirmed, «the first fruits and gifts bestowed on humanity were first shown in the humanity of the Savior.» From this affirmation, we can reflect on the gifts given to the Son of God in his humanity and rediscover the authentic seal that baptism gives us. The identity of Jesus is based on the principles of the Gospel; therefore, love and charity are the compass for decisions and actions, and truth and justice are criteria for opinion, observation and analysis. Faced with the seal of baptism that gives us faith and the identity of Jesus as the perfect culmination for acting, being and deciding, we are presented with the authentic life of a believer who does not live the virtues and gifts by himself, but by the GRACE of the Spirit. Exercising ourselves in the virtues and gifts of the Holy Spirit allows us to grow in authenticity, truth, justice and holiness. How do you assume this identity as a child of God that implies transforming your weakness into a gift and grace to live with your brothers and sisters?

S. Johanna Andrea Cifuentes Gómez, tc

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