Closing of the month of ongoing formation

After visiting, from our General Curia in Rome, the Franciscan and ecclesial places, twenty-three sisters of twelve nationalities participated in the month of congregational spirituality from June 1 to 30, in the Sanctuary House of Our Lady of Montiel, accompanied by Sr. Isabel Valdizán and Fanny Londoño, delegates of the General Government and members of the General Formation Team. This space has allowed them to deepen in the Final Document of the XXIII General Chapter «Together we go forward, we generate and care for life» in its various nuclei, all of which refer to care.

During this month, our Sisters coming from different countries and provinces received formation and accompaniment from our Sisters: Estela Aldave, Medrano, Inmaculada Sancho Fabra, Amparo Alejos Morán, Bozena Orlowska, Isabel Valdizan Valledor and Fanny Londoño Sosa, Capuchin Tertiaries.

In addition to the participation of Professor Alfonso López Fando, Father Jaime Rey Escapa, Ofm. Antonia López Arroyo, Religious Adorer.

In the last week of the Exercises and with the same «thread» of CARE, Margarita Saldaña Mostajo, Consecrated Laywoman of the Family of Charles de Foucauld, accompanied the group.

We thank the Lord and the Congregation for this time of grace and we hope to return to each Demarcation to our Sisters as witnesses and heralds of so much good received, in turn we thank the efforts of the General Government and our Sisters Isabel and Fanny in the mission entrusted.

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