Alternative experiences of economic auto-sustainability In the Philippines

The pandemic caused by Covid 19 has been in the world for a year and it seems that its end is still far away, although its strength and surprise have diminished. Even before the pandemic, our Congregation, immersed in the reality of the world and walking in the footsteps of “going forward” with the Church, had reconsidered the issue of an evangelical, sustainable, and solidary economy.

In St. Clare general Viceprovince, the pandemic has undoubtedly been a great opportunity “to live the prophecy of the solidarity economy based on austerity, minority, and the adequate use of goods, sharing with the poor and the demands of social justice which is lived evangelically” (cf. XXII General Chapter, Option 4).

This year there has been a process of adaptation, learning, and raising awareness in which creativity, solidarity, and fraternity have stood out, essential elements to achieve an evangelical and sustainable economy. Creativity has arisen from the need of having to re-invent life before the closure of the largest source of income that the Vice province had and this in turn has brought us:

  • Solidarity with the poor, empathy, feeling on your own skin the uncertainty of not having a job and what it entails.
  • Re-discovery of our capacities and abilities, wit, cooperation, and resilience have abounded.
  • New way of perceiving our religious life from a new way of mutual sharing with the poor.
  • Strengthening of our fraternal bonds, recognition.
  • Constant questioning for betting not only on self-sustainability but also on the ecological issue, for the positive impact that it may have at least in our small environment.
  • We have discovered the need to rethink how to help sustain small economies and opt for the “non-branded”.
  • The scope of our apostolate has expanded and in an unimagined way, all from our need.

Among the projects undertaken there are:

  1. Sale of traditional food and pastries: Pick n´ eat
  2. Total Cleaning: production of cleaning and hygienic products that includes a bio-liquid that uses the fruit skin and other natural waste that reduces the chemical impact.
  3. Increase in home gardens in different communities, for our basic consumption.
  4. Taking advantage of a small piece of land that we own, we created a small Farm where fish, chickens and pigs are raised.
  5. Candle making
  6. Online English classes and tutorials.

The photograph and videos that we provide are a graphic sample of what we have been able to do.


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