We live the now of God, the renewed action of a Church that has wanted to undertake new horizons with the always inspiring presence of the Ruah.
Today, more than ever, the road makes sense, when we discover (as we travel), its aroma, the movements of the trees, the singing of the birds, the whispering of the wind and, in front of us, we outline the horizon. From my own way of thinking, this is how I want to express what this step and relationship of our Latin American and Caribbean Church has meant, between the First Ecclesial Assembly and the Synodality. A whole process of encounters, welcoming, dialogues, listening, which, like the traveler, is amazed by the novelty that he discovers at every step, with the utopia of being able to feel the horizon.
And it is precisely since the preferential option of CELAM to consider the invitation of Pope Francis to assume an Ecclesial Assembly and not an Episcopal Conference, our horizon has been drawn with the clarity of Synodality, which continues to lead us to discover new shines of renewed ecclesiality.
Continuing our journey, and with the Synodal light, the process has led us to deepen in several aspects:
– Deep discernment of the call to Pastoral Conversion.
– A greater understanding of the ecclesiological category of PEOPLE OF GOD.
– Realization of the implications of CO-RESPONSIBILITY in mission.
– The creation of the CONCENSUS, as an essential element of healthy participation.
We place our pastoral renewal, under the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, so that «together, we remain tuned into the one heart of the Church, which is love».
SOURCE: asambleaeclesial.lat