The amigonian in my life

It is impossible to imagine that, after my retirement, I would also get the opportunity to expand my «Life Project».

First contact

I received the invitation to collaborate in the School «Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados», in San José (Costa Rica), from the Academic Coordination and the Subdirection. That seemed interesting to me and, from the beginning, I could not see any difficulty: I could count on a sufficient academic support and experience for such work and so I accepted. But, oh my God, I did not know what the Lord had prepared for me: to accompany the teachers and administrators in the noble task of education, but “with a surname”… Amigonians.

About Father Luis Amigó y Ferrer I knew that he was a Capuchin Brother and the Founder of the Congregation to which belongs my sister Damaris and I had got some material that she had given to me but that was “standing in line” to be read. I like collecting holy cards and medals (I have always liked the holy objects).


Something that began out of necessity, professional pride and responsibility, became a passion, an enjoyment and a fundamental part of my life project.

My work in an Amigonian Educational Center was for me a constant challenge and learning experience. The “Amigonian Chair” and the civic and religious events were getting a different nuance for me and it was amazing the opportunity to evangelize since the teaching subject, as well as the environment closeness, fraternity and solidarity that were always accompanying my daily life.

Amigonian Lay Movement (MLA)

By the hand of Sr. Ana Jessie Castillo, Capuchin Tertiary Sister, I started my «Amigonian itinerary” in the MLA group gathering in the Provincial House in Córdoba neighborhood (San José – Costa Rica). Its behavior was excellent, and it was a group responsible in the formation in the human, christian and charismatic dimensions, according to what is contemplated in the Form of Life. I made my own the objective that the MLA – Adults agenda proposes: «To value the following of Jesus from Father Luis Amigó’s proposal and his preferential love for the needy, with an attitudes of mercy, in one’s own family and in the environment«. I am far from the fulfilment of this goal, but as long as I live …

Four years after beginning my MLA itinerary, I made my commitment no less than in the Holy Family Chapel of the Sisters in Massamagrell (Valencia – Spain), next to the altar of God and very close to Father Luis’ sepulcher…


Several experiences allowed me to deepen in the Amigonian mission: the Amigonian way, in Assisi, in Colombia, Guatemala… just to mention some few experiences that I consider gifts of pure mercy, as well as the visit to reeducation institutions, listening to young people and knowing their life process, the appreciation for the fraternity and the value of living together in the family homes for girls at risk and the health and nutrition centers were for me a real teaching of Amigonian Pedagogy in action.

It has no price the experience of sharing, for example, the Liturgy of the Hours, in the community of the aged sisters and brothers, and I appreciate how their voices, ordinarily almost muffled, become joy and life when singing hymns and thanking the Lord. … How wonderful is this charisma and to see that even in sickness or, at the life sunset, it builds brotherhood!

My experience as a member of the Luis Amigó Intercongregational Commission, was another great teaching, and I like mention especially three of the tasks assigned to me, that, although simple, contributed to enrich me a lot. The first one was to inquire, in the different “Hoja informativa” of the life and work of Father Luis”, how people where feeling and were expressing their gratitude for his intercession: it was wonderful to see the devotion and gratitude for the received favors. The second one was to review the material about the Founding Father’s life and work existing on the social networks. The third one consisted in reading the prolific production of MLA material sent by the different communities of the world where our Congregation of Capuchin Tertiary Sisters of the Holy Family is present and it is stored, with a special zeal, in the Secretary of the Sisters General House, in Rome.

Our Congregation? Yes, my dear lay colleagues you read well… We, as MLA, are one of the deeds of the Congregation, of our Congregation. Therefore, as members of the MLA we must know, love and share the life and work of Father Luis, since we share with the Sisters their mission and spirituality.

At present my health is not the same … but the Amigonian “eaves” are very wide … I participate in the MLA Adults group Saint Isabel of Hungary gathering in the House of Postulancy and of the aged sisters in La Ribera (Heredia – Costa Rica), led by Sr. Flora Virginia Garbanzo. The pandemic connected me also to the virtual Mother of the Rosary prayer group, where every day at five in the afternoon, we join MLA members, Amigonian Cooperators, Brothers and Sisters. During the pandemic, “it was born” also the “Amigonian Way” at the provincial level. All is grace!

What I have learned

God does not allow himself to be won in generosity and Father Luis is «the man who trusted in God.» Therefore: let everything be «for God’s glory and the good of the minor», whatever be the circumstances. I am almost always, that «minor» … Thank you, Father Luis! Thank you Lord for calling me!

María Teresa Araya Chavarría, Mla

(La Ribera de Belén, Heredia. Costa Rica)

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