
Origin of the concept of «Biodiversity» and its commemoration on May 22nd

“The care of creation is not only due to practical reasons such as a responsibility towards the future generations;  its deepest reasons are theological. The creation is a  work of the Holy Spirit and cannot be destroyed without offending its Author” (P. Raniero Cantalamessa OFMCap)

The topic that concerns us today is «Biodiversity«, an expression originated in a scientific environment, but that quickly awakens interest in philosophical, social, political, economic and religious fields and in people interested in the conservation of biological diversity because they fear the irreversible harm of natural environments, endangering the basis of the human existence.

The UN seeks solutions and in the United Nations Scientific Conference in New York (1949); it  deals with the theme «Conservation and use of resources» but its interest is focused on the adaptation of natural resources to the requirements of the economic and social development, without taking care of its conservation.

The first summit about the earth takes place at the «Stockholm Conference on the human environment» (1972). It sets out the need to preserve the land, flora, fauna, and natural ecosystems, avoiding their depletion and taking into account the benefit of present and future generations. In its statement, it exposes the principles for the conservation of the human surroundings, makes recommendations for international environmental action, and warns governments that they must take the necessary actions to control activities that may cause an atmospheric damage and their consequences on the climate. To fulfill its declaration, it creates the United Nations Environment Program UNEP, the largest environmental authority in the world.

The concept of biodiversity is the result of several studies carried out by Thomas Lovejoy (1980) President of the Biodiversity Centro of Amazonia, university professor and principal member of the UN Foundation and Norse and McManus (1996); in their studies they use the expression “biological diversity” referring to the variety of species, including genetic and ecosystem diversity. In the National Forum on Biological Diversity, held in Washington, Walter G. Rosen (1985), is the person who, for the first time, when he is talking about the variety of life on earth, at all levels, from genetics to different biomes, he uses the expression “biodiversity”. So, this expression becomes popular in the report of the event, published by Edward O. Wilson, professor at Harvard University.

The Convention on Biological Diversity held in Rio (1992) is based on these studies and deepens in the problems related with the production of toxic and polluting materials as well as of clean energy and of the drinking water. He synthesizes the concept of «Biological Diversity» as the variability of living organisms from any source, including terrestrial and marine ecosystems, other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes they are part of. One of its greatest achievements is the Convention on biological diversity, which makes the issue of biodiversity becoming part of the political agendas of the signatory countries and not only concerning development but also in the environmental care, considering that the biodiversity future depends on both biological and sociocultural processes. This Convention is an international and juridical binding treaty, whose text is approved on May the 22nd 1992.

On the other hand, the Millennium Summit, gathers in September 2000, at the UN headquarters in New York, to approve the Millennium Declaration and eight objectives to work out until the year 2015 as UN values: peace, security, and disarmament; eradication of poverty; protection of the common environment; human rights; democracy and good government; protection of vulnerable people; attention to the needs of Africa and UN strengthening.

At this summit, to commemorate the day when the Convention on Biological Diversity was approved, the United Nations, on December 20th 2000, declares May 22, the World Biodiversity Day; its purpose is to propagate the meaning and value of biological diversity (species and ecosystems) in human life. This date is designated as an opportunity to sensitize governments, media and people in general, about problems of common interest that are still unresolved and to require the implementation of concrete political actions.

Many are the achievements of the Convention on Biological Diversity, in the different summits: in Nagoya (2015), the Strategic Plan for the Decade 2011-2020, in Cancun (2016) the United Nations Environment Program, in Kunmimg (2021) the Summit of climate adaptation and its efforts to end COVID 19.

There are still outstanding debts with the planet; since if the ecosystem is damaged, it cannot offer the expected well-being and zoonotic epidemics related to some ecosystem diseases, appear. Biodiversity is in danger and it is everyone’s obligation to protect it, making an aware use of its resources and generating protection measures well knowing that, every day, we received from it innumerable and often unperceived benefits. Among them we mention the following ones.

Bees and hummingbirds pollinate the planet: plant plants that produce flowers for their food. Forests regulate temperature and plants generate oxygen: plant trees that will generate oxygen and your environment will be cooler. Reefs are home to a quarter of the marine species and protect the coasts from waves, storms and tsunamis; take care of the coasts and beaches, avoid disposable products of polystyrene or plastic. Mangroves capture carbon dioxide: protect them if you have the privilege of living near them.

Thank you.


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